ஞாயிறு, 26 மார்ச், 2023



fact file​ :​ revered swami​ ​ ​ sri -la – sri​ ​ ​ ​ padmanabhanji

age​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ : ageless & peerless

religion:​ ​ ​ faithful way of life​ coming out of

belief system

language​ ​ ​ : enormous ability to​ ​ communicate with love and​ ​ ​ compassion

family​ ​ ​ :​ ​ Namboodiri’s​ ​ ​ ancestral

Earlier life:​ having worked at indian overseas bank as sevak ,quiting it after 20 years and contributing to the welfareof the society by distributing books , cloths from and out of the savings and listening to the poor and needy & having brought solace to them by love and affection.

Past 10 years :​ after quitting the job , he aboded at kottaiyur ashram under the guidance of “ANNA” ( who founded the “Vallalar Ashram” & got the blessings of “Rama Sadhu”

Penultimate 10 years: he has been living a ’ hermit life’ at konakarai , near swamimalai , some 5 kms away from kumbakonam, the fact that he being a ” hermit” is not correct in the sense ; he infact interacts with people alike seeing no discriminations and shuns the relatipnship with external influences and his abode is full​ of inspirational teachings of SWAMIJI VIVEKANANDAR.

His holiness is meeting hundreds of people from all strata of the society every day and giving”blessings in disguise”.

After one and one with swamiji ,one gets the sense of belief that life is worthliving and one has to do his duty to find good and positive in every situation.

His holiness focus would always be on solutions. After listening to his holiness one would be directed to change his ’ thoughts transforming from negatives to positives and his aura speaks and volunteers Swing into action after listening to him .

He would be funny at times making jokes , inspiring kids and adults showing them the great works done by leaders in their persuit of dreams inculcated over the years by thoughtful and meaningful actions of their own.

His abode consists of “LIBRARY” with books where one could find peace and transquilty while reading.

He invokes the goodworks done by people meeting him and thereby making them aware of their potentials.

Each and every day , people who come to ashram in hundreds get something ’GOOD’ for themselves .

His reach is unlimited and the service rendered by the volunteers of the ASHRAM are not “time bound ” and HE continues to serve the human fraternity without much fuss and fanfare.

experience share by



contact persons

kalidas cell 8903980393

Nehrucell 9952529896


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