ஞாயிறு, 26 மார்ச், 2023



As a citizen , I have a duty to perform. Especially, being a banker , I am duty bound to serve the society at large.Given the economic condition , we as Indians have to look inwards and confide that the banks are important instruments in any society ( be it developing or developed ) to get the country forward towards growth and wealth disbursement.


Having seen the banks fall mercilessly by bankruptcy, largely caused by under performing economy in developed countries and being bailied out by the ill advised leaders , the growth path after the slide has been very tedious and people have been weary and losing focus.

With so many tumble seen across the globe, Rupees depreciated but not decimated , largely due to robust national economy maintained by small , medium class people and their savings. Their contributions to National Exchequer are amazing and the whole world is looking back to us for Guidance &Inspirations.

We as Indians ’ though consume a lot’ in the eyes of Americans are working a lot ’ to live and let live’ other economies to survive and they infact consume our resources( hard earned savings ).

The mind bogging experiences in adverse conditions have created wealth out of simplicity and saving habits act as a penace for our present generations but for future as well in the globe.​

The logic behind all these facts would weigh very much to provide dividends to ” young india” provided the structured economy conditioned by the systems & control in India is kept alive and kicking to compete with international markets.

The people at large do not need largessee. what they need inturn is employability and renumeration for the work done.

we do appreciate the ’uniform identity excercise’ being done by Govt for providing Aadhar Cards and furtherance of the project in opening of Basic Small Savings Deposit Accounts with banks for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Scheme .

The fact remains as to how the increasing burden of Non -Performing Accounts accumulated in the Banks is going to be tackled as the Whims and Fancies of the politicians erode our meagre resources but they float rules to direct the Banks to finance Educational Loans for the sake of Getting Votes.

This vote bank polity is nothing but defrauding the bank in the name of importing education. Discipline is necessary for any democracy .India being the largest , one need not teach the basics as our parents are our first teachers to imbibe the values of our culture in societal , economical and ethical fronts to their sons’ and daughters’.

Not withstanding the politics , the country has withstood many tsunamis , only regret is that the country’s sons’ and daughters’ are made to fell guity of the burden of the amount so borrowed from banks for which their fathers’ have “No Say” in repayment obligations as if they are offered as “ALMS”.

Do’s 1.The banks seal with loan Nos and amount to be affixed in the Mark Sheet.

2.Clearance to be got after due repayments.

3. poor and marginalized people with ’no means’ and small means are ought to be financed by​ banks.by​ funds earmarked by Govt on priority basis.

4.people of our country are eligible for fair education not free education.

5. After primilinary level, the Govt should look into the interest of aspirations of pupils and direct them in their own fields.

6. All educational curriculam should imbibe the values of keeping the environmental issues with fresh relook into augmenting the resources. we are all citizens of this great counrty , to be respected by the work done .

There is no job which is meanial.

yours faithfully,

Selvaraj .R




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